The Jolly Greengrocer

Jgg Desktop


Online Store Redesign


Visit Site


User Interface Design

User Experience Design

Website Development


The Jolly Greengrocer needed to provide customers the ability to easily place their weekly orders.

The previous web site, built in 2011, did not support ordering functionality and did not integrate with their point-of-sale system.

Jgg Tablet
Jgg Phone


Allow customers to place an order online, rather than the previous method via email

Allow returning customers to quickly re-order a previously placed order

Provide the ability for Jolly Greengrocer staff to update the price and availability of available products using the latest prices from the produce markets

Integrate orders with the custom point of sale and inventory system being used internally at the warehouse


New WordPress installation to ensure no outdated content resides in the site’s database.

An online store using WooCommerce to provide Product, Customer and Order management online

Bespoke WordPress theme with a design that matches the Jolly Greengrocer branding.

Mobile friendly design to provide an improved experience for users on smartphone and tablet devices.

Custom order export workflow to allow orders to be imported into the business’ existing payment processing and inventory management workflow.

Implementation of best practice security and malware monitoring.


Customer orders and revenue increased significantly, whilst also seeing a significant improvement to repeat customers.

Faster delivery packing, fulfilment and billing.

Significant reduction in staff time spent updating product availability and prices.

Ready for a website that really works?

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